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SG1: Season 1
Episode 24: We're Going To Need Crystal Jack Back (Within The Serpent's Grasp)
Silvana and Tegan watch and discuss Season 1, Episode 21, "Within the Serpent's Grasp". What new twists with Silvana and Tegan add to their fan fiction? Where is Walter this episode? This episode is a missed opportunity for a Warehouse 13 crossover.
Episode 23: Once Upon a Time, Before Streaming (Politics)
Silvana and Tegan discuss season 1, episode 20, "Politics". This is the first recap episode in Stargate. These recap episodes are old vestiges before the interwebs was what it is today, much like original Unsolved Mysteries. Silvana and Tegan speculate on the cost of gate travel and whether Hammond or Walter may have broke bad.
Episode 22: Aberos? (There But for the Grace of God)
Tegan and Silvana are joined by a Stargate newbie, Joe, as they watch Season 1, Episode 19, "There But for the Grace of God". In this episode, Daniel gets a glimpse of a future yet to come in a parallel universe. He receives vital information and must return to his universe before it is too late. If only he can figure out that he's in a parallel universe in the first place.
Episode 21: Comtraya! I'll Have a Big Mac! (Tin Man)
Tegan and Silvana watch Season 1, Episode 18: "Tin Man". A friendly alien named Harlan insists he's made them all "better" after knocking them unconscious... but what does that mean, Harlan? In a classic episode on technology and identity, SG-1 is forced to reckon with what it means to be human. Tegan and Silvana fantasize about some of their fan fic dreams, including a Jack multiverse scenario. Who are Hammond's granddaughters named after? Is Teal'c dead?!? Dah fuck, Harlan! What makes media the most enjoyable? Daniel actually says, "We should rest" in this episode. The AI script wasn't so far off!
Episode 20: Stuck on a Glacier with MacGyver (Solitudes)
Silvana and Tegan watch and comment on Season 1, Episode 17, "Solitudes". Sam and Jack are trapped on an "ice planet", unable to dial home. Will the SG-C find them in time? Will Sam and Jack finally become a thing? No. No they won't. Stop hoping they will; it's the longest will they/won't they in television history. Silvana continues her fan fic of the right ship for Sam Carter.
Episode 19: My Feelings Are Ready (Enigma)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 1, Episode 16 "Enigma". SG-1 saves the Tollans from the end of their planet, but they didn't want to be saved. Now they have to help them find a new planet; talk about picky! Sam is mistaken for an angel and love bombed by a strange man. She's not too into it...Tegan flirts with Silvana by offering her a cat. The two offer listeners unsolicited dating advice.
Episode 18: The Return of Shak'l (Cor-Ai)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 1, Episode 15 "Cor-ai". Shak'l returns! Will he be saved from slavery and his brainwashing? Spoiler alert: no. An episode of chattin' and where the American criminal justice system is compared to an alien one. Which will be found lacking? Tegan and Silvana rewrite the script for a much better mid-season finale. Script doctoring services now offered by not Tegan. When did Daniel get so impulsive? And Tegan schools us on the basics of the history of justice.
Episode 17: The Distant Land of Toronto (Singularity)
Silvana and Tegan discuss season 1, episode 14 "Singularity". How could this episode have been better? How are these characters not extremely traumatized at this point? Also, we remind the listeners that Bellamy Blake always makes the wrong decisions. Children are required to have dogs on Earth, Jack informs Cassandra.
Episode 16: Egyptian Goddess of Sex Pollen (Hathor)
Silvana and Tegan watch season 1, episode 13"Hathor" with their friend Jenny. Jenny tells them how she got into Stargate SG-1. What do we use the brain space for that used to be for phone numbers? SGPD: Criminal Intent, when's it coming? We're waiting! The ladies give you advice on how not to do your feminism wrong.
Episode 15: Mr. Omoroca (Fire and Water)
Silvana and Tegan watch season 1, episode 12, "Fire and Water". Originally called "Funeral for a Friend", the SG-1 team returns without Daniel. They think he is dead, but a fish-man has used bubbles to change their memory. Daniel is kidnapped for knowing too much about Babylon (not the "5" kind) while the team mourns him at his memorial, wake, and apartment.
Episode 14: Thanks, I Hate It (Bloodlines)
Silvana and Tegan reluctantly watched season 1, episode 11"Bloodlines". In an episode that would have been more aptly named "A Portrait of Domestic Violence", Teal'c remembers he has a family and wants to save his son from slavery. Except for when he doesn't. While we did meet the Stargate equivalent of Uncle Iroh in this episode, that is really the only redeeming aspect. Find out why interstellar clockmakers could make bank, and what you get when you cross a pencil with a pretzel.
Episode 13: A Sexy Wife & an Abydonian Posse (The Torment of Tantalus)
Silvana and Tegan discuss "Torment of Tantalus". In this episode we find out what happened to Katherine. We learn more about her background and Dr. Beckett makes a surprise appearance in the role of young Ernest, Katherine's love interest. Find out who built the gates as this elderly love story unfolds. Will SG-1 finally get all the answers they've wanted? Probably not. Also, did Daniel Jackson forget he has a wife that needs his help? Is there just no divorce on Abydos?
Episode 12: Thor's Answering Machine (Thor's Hammer)
Silvana and Tegan discuss one of the best episodes in the first season, episode nine, "Thor's Hammer".
In perhaps Katherine Powers's strongest episode, SG-1 may have discovered a way to rescue Sha're and Skaara from the clutches of the Goa'uld. Who is Junior? Did you know nobody dies at Disney World?
Episode 11: Space Crabs (Brief Candle)
Katherine Powers, what are you doing to us? First "Emancipation", then "Thor's Hammer", and now this? Are you trying to tell us something or were you cleaning up someone else's messes? Silvana and Tegan summarize and review Season 1, Episode 8 "Brief Candle". nIn short, Jack is date raped by a 30 day old. Yes, that is the plot. How does this culture survive when every only lives one hundred days? What are space crabs? Will divorce skyrocket when these Mycenaeans live a normal life span?
Episode 10: Episode, Interrupted (The Nox)
This week, Tegan and Silvana talk about Season 1, Episode 7, The Nox. Find out who these pacifists with moss are. Why doesn't Tegan like Sam and Nefrayu's first interaction? Why did the writers name a Jaffa, Shak'l? Where is Mt. Chulac? Or is it more like a continent?
Episode 9: Cold Lazarus
In this episode, Tegan and Silvana discuss Season 1, Episode 6: Cold Lazarus of Stargate SG-1. How is Crystal Jack more emotionally intelligent than real Jack? Tegan finds a way to relate this to a Sponge Bob episode? Is Teal'c ready to check out Earth?
Episode 8: The First Commandment
In this episode, Tegan and Silvana discuss Season 1, Episode 5 of Stargate SG-1. Who is Jonas Hanson and why would Sam have dated him? Is that Corey's Dad from Boy Meets World? Do these people know their masks make them look like Mr. Potato Head?
Episode 7: The Broca Divide
In this episode, Silvana and Tegan discuss Season 1, Episode 4: The Broca Divide. Introducing the lovely Doc Fraiser, this episode keeps you guessing! Is Dr. Jackson still looking for his wife or easily distracted by archaeology? Can a disease make you a Neanderthal?
Episode 6: Emancipation
In this episode, Silvana and Tegan discuss Season 1 Episode 3, Emancipation. Why did this girlboss fail so bad that the Syfy Channel often skips it in reruns? Who is the Power Ranger, Mulan's Papa, and the Mortal Kombat character? Find out in this episode!
Episode 5: The Enemy Within
Silvana and Tegan discuss Kowalski's struggles with a Goa'uld symbiote. Can Goa'ulds jump? Just how much space is there in a head?
Episode 4: Children of the gods Part 2
In this episode Silvana and Tegan reveal their ratings for the pilot episode, talk about some concerning allegories, and explain how a watch saves SG-1's lives.
Episode 3: Children of the gods Part 1
In this episode, Silvana and Tegan discuss the first episode of Stargate SG-1, Children of the gods.
The episode picks up a year after the film with new actors and characters. What happened to Daniel Jackson? Why did Shau're's name change? Is Samantha Carter's girl boss moment a win or a cringe?