SG1: Season 3
Episode 68: One Small Step For Jaffa (Nemesis)
Tegan and Silvana watch Season 3, Episode 22 "Nemesis". Â Silvana and Tegan have a lot to nitpick in the first two minutes of this episode because of the flirting between Sam and Jack. We're not here for these shenanigans. This episode introduces a new enemy: the replicators! Silvana gets real "media philosophy" for part of this episode. Both wonder why the Stargate writers aren't exploring the individual motivations of team members versus the team itself. Teal'c has so much potential in this episode that is unexplored!
Relevant to main story line? Yes
Skip it? No
Comedic effect
Emotional Impact
Non-Earth cultures/aliens
Scientific and Historical Explanations
Technical quality
Episode 67: "Giant Aliens!" (Crystal Skull)
Tegan and Silvana watch Season 3, Episode 21, "Crystal Skull". This episode is Daniel-heavy and features Daniel's grandfather, Nick. Nick is not a fan of Daniel's theory about the pyramids, and Daniel doesn't really believe that Nick saw giants after looking into the eyes of a crystal skull he found on earth.Silvana is concerned the CGI in this episode is bad enough that children will judge us if we show it to them now. Like we did our fathers for old Doctor Who and aliens dressed in bubble wrap. It appears archaeology runs deep in Daniel's family. Is archaeology only possible if you have a family legacy of it? It's Indiana Jones, Nathan Drake, and Lara Croft too! What's that about? How is Daniel so bad at presenting with slide decks? Silvana and Tegan discuss the issue of the "magical black person" who is typically a person who helps a white main character achieve their goals. These characters are often not human themselves too. The ladies wonder what has happened to Nyan, and also worry about Grandpa Nick staying with gas giants. Will they know what to feed him?
Relevant to main story line? No
Skip it? No
Comedic effect
Emotional Impact
Non-Earth cultures/aliens
Scientific and Historical Explanations
Technical quality
Episode 66: Nobody Puts Bae'Tac In A Corner (Maternal Instinct)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3 Episode 20 "Maternal Instinct" - an episode which is ironically extremely lacking in focus on women. It doesn't even pass the Bechdel test! The SGC get an unexpected visit from Bra'tac and a gravely injured Jaffa reporting that Apophis is back and attacking Chulak looking for the Harsesis child. Luckily Daniel has been keeping his promise to Sha're and looking for Kheb this whole time right? Wrong! We encounter Oma Desala for the first time but she only speaks and acts through a male monk on the planet. Sam Carter is sidelined and Silvana and Tegan rewrite the episode and Sam is now taking a vacation with her girlfriend, Janet Fraiser. This episode could have been so much better if prior seasons had taken the direction of Teal'c and Shak'l forming a rebel alliance together. As it is, Bra'tac is the star of this episode, and Silvana and Tegan wish there had been more exploration of what Kheb means to elderly Jaffa and what's next for Bra'tac.
Relevant to main story line? Yes
Skip it? No
Comedic effect
Emotional Impact
Non-Earth cultures/aliens
Scientific and Historical Explanations
Technical quality
Episode 65: Is Teal'c Batman Now? (New Ground)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 19 "New Ground". The Bedrosians and Optricans are at war over their origin story, and SG-1 ends up in the middle of it. Like in the "Bane" episode, Teal'c's make-up is a little off, and this is an episode that provides an example of how the lack of diversity in the TV and make-up industry can impact the quality of the end product. A lot of the technical details are not great, and parts of this Stargate SG-1 episode drag. Also like in "Bane", Teal'c is seriously injured. In this episode he is blind and spends a great deal of time in a cave. The new characters on this planet are having their religion questioned by the very existence of SG-1 and the Stargate. Where are the tortured souls who are discovering their religion is based on a lie?! You should really explain how Zats work when you give them to people! I don't need to know all the details about these goddamn eye treatments but give me one blessed line saying "the second shot kills!" A character is introduced to the SG-C but Tegan and Silvana don't recall seeing him again. Where in the world is Nyan?
Relevant to main story line? No
Skip it? Yes
Comedic effect
Emotional Impact
Non-Earth cultures/aliens
Scientific and Historical Explanations
Technical quality
Episode 64: Moral of The Story: Don't Steal Fish (Shades of Grey)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 18, "Shades of Grey". In this episode, Jack goes undercover to root out the corruption in the NID who have been stealing technology across the galaxy. Daniel speaks up for Sam when she can't advocate for herself and we love it! What do we wish Teal'c had done this episode? How could this episode have been more meaningful in the context of the show? Where does the Jack/Maybourne fan fiction begin? There is a Seinfeld reference in this episode! How random.
Episode 63: No One Is Getting Any Sandwiches (A Hundred Days)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 17, "A Hundred Days". In this episode Jack gets trapped off world with a lady he likes while the SG-C and Sam try to find their way back to him. Silvana finds this episode mostly romantic, surprising both her and Tegan! They both liked a lot about this episode and agree that there are men's consent issues, once again. What is this about, Stargate? Silvana and Tegan take a detour discussing how Mr. Omoroca identifies. The most damning evidence yet for the Sam/Janet relationship reveals itself! We challenge Sophia of "Where's Beverly" to not love the plot line we devise. ​Silvana and Tegan find it a little difficult to believe the native population of this planet have no stories about caves. Why are there no signs???
Episode 62: I Want To Experience The Universe And Eat Pie (Urgo)
Silvana and Tegan watch season 3, episode 16, "Urgo". This is one of their favorite episodes. Dom Deluise guest stars! Stargate SG-1 gets 'tagged' by a more advanced civilization. However a glitch in the AI technology means that SG-1 becomes aware of the tech and annoyed by the childlike personality of Urgo. A solid episode of Stargate SG-1 and one of the first 7's we give in our ratings! Tegan shares some fun facts about the making of this episode. Who couldn't keep a straight face with Dom Deluise around?
Episode 61: The Tollan Debate Club (Pretense)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 15, "Pretense". Alexis Cruz guest starring! Who cares about the rest? Silvana and Tegan discuss another Katharyn Powers episode that they both enjoy! When Skaara/Klorel crash land on the Tollan planet and asks for help, they reach out to Stargate Command to bring SG-1 into the defense of Skaara. They are invited to the triad where a philosophical debate ensues and the stakes are Skaara's body and life. Overall a solid Stargate episode that the ladies enjoyed! Can we have more Sam and Teal'c team ups, pretty please?
Episode 60: An Idiot Every Day of the Week (Foothold)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 14, "Foothold". The SG-C has been invaded and taken over, but Sam escapes to seek help from Maybourn. But then Maybourn is an idiot every day of the week, so things don't go as planned. We are once again introduced to aliens we will never encounter again!
Episode 59: Tok'ra Rumspringa (The Devil You Know)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 13, "The Devil You Know". How is Teal'c not there for the reveal that Apophis is still alive? Silvana and Tegan are confused at the Tok'ra's seeming lack of self-preservation and why there is so much torture in this episode. Sam's flat character arc is even more clear in this episode. We love Dr. Samantha Carter, but where are her flaws? What does growth for Sam look like and what are the challenges she must have as a woman in the Air Force in the 90s? The ladies discuss the trope of the bumbling husband. They also wonder at Apophis's poor interrogation techniques. Tegan comments on how much fan fiction is likely associated with this episode. Why don't Tok'ra have harsesis children to have hosts and more allies? Tegan schools us in compulsory heterosexuality!
Episode 58: Tok'ra Train Derailed (Jolinar's Memories)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 12, "Jolinar's Memories" and discuss the SG-1's team going to Hell to rescue Jacob Carter. Trigger warning for SA. Tegan and Silvana are both excited Martuf is in this episode. That's about where the excitement ends. There's an underlying theme/tension of sexual assault that is handled extremely poorly. Peter DeLuise gets to director an episode where someone is not in a bed; congrats, Pete! Peter Williams (Apophis) returns as the Phantom of the Stargate Universe! But Teal'c isn't there? Why did you bring Daniel? What the Hell! Silvana and Tegan easily rewrite this episode because it is currently a mix of boring and disturbing.
Episode 57: They Remember Patriarchy (Past and Present)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 11, "Past and Present". Linea is back! Tegan educates Silvana about green eyed villainy. Orner has the audacity to question Teal'c's name? Linea is MASSIVELY lucky to end up here. Tegan teaches us all about consent 101. Daniel has a love interest... already! His wife just died last episode, but sure, why not?
Episode 56: Fear and Loathing In Cheyenne Mountain (Forever In A Day)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 10, "Forever in a Day". Once again, Peter DeLuise is directing an episode with a sick person. What's that about, Pete? Tegan learns her lesson about reading about Stargate on reddit. Silvana and Tegan rage about Teal'c being made into a murderer for the sake of the group again.
Episode 55: War Games (Rules of Engagement)
In this episode Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 9, "Rules of Engagement". SG-1 stumbles upon a war game run by Apophis recruits that don't know Apophis was defeated. And for some reason have never heard of SG-1 either?
Episode 54: He's a Witch! Drown Him! (Demons )
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3, Episode 8, "Demons". For the first time SG-1 encounters a civilization with Christians! The Middle Ages is still alive and well here. Will Teal'c survive their encounter with it? Of course he will! Jack's jokes were out in full force this episode. Was Jesus just a gao'uld? Was the resurrection just a sarcophagus? Silvana and Tegan are confused by the age of the woman in this local village. Was she just miscast?
Episode 53: A Waste of Time (Deadman Swtich)
Silvana and Tegan discuss Season 3, Episode 7 "Deadman Switch". It's the most boringest episode of all time. Flash Gordon essentially shows up to tease a potential storyline that gets dropped. Perhaps the worst ratings of an episode, by far? Why doesn't Sam just mention her Tok'ra dad?
Episode 52: Using Male Bodies (Point of View Part 2 of 2)
Silvana and Tegan continue their discussion of Season 3, Episode 6, "Point of View" from the mirror universe. In the second half, the team goes through the mirror to another universe, to help save an alternate Earth. Silvana and Tegan take umbrage with how often Teal'c is used to commit acts of violence for the team, even against himself. Does this really make sense for Teal'c's character? Dr. Sam uses our Jack for comfort. Tegan mourns alternate General Hammond for a moment.
Episode 51: Stop Trying To Make This A Thing (Point of View Part 1 of 2)
Tegan and Silvana watch Season 3, episode 6 "Point of View", and they have some strong opinions. Such strong opinions that this is a two parter! ​
Episode 50: No Child Left Behind (Learning Curve)
Tegan and Silvana watch Season 3, episode 5 "Learning Curve", which has the most unbelievable premise. This is one of Tegan's "favorite" episodes. Once again it appears advanced people must be white, despite their origins. Is Tegan's theory about Jack and Janet true? Another thread is left hanging by SG-1 who never return to this planet again.
Episode 49: Ma'chello Boogers (Legacy)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3 Episode 4 "Legacy". Stargate SG1 tackles mental health...with mixed results. Why did the 10th Ma'chello booger stick around in the Linvris chamber? Silvana and Tegan agree we should have more episodes not from the point of view of SG-1. Why are all the doctors besides Dr. Fraiser so bad? Silvana and Tegan talk mental health stigma and how this episode could be better and might be different if it aired in 2023.
Episode 48: Kelno'reem For Grown Ups! (Fair Game)
Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3 Episode 3 "Fair Game". Samantha Carter is promoted and the question must be asked is Secretary of Defense Simms part of the U.S. Miliatry? Is that why he's such a bore? Why didn't Sam and Teal'c get sent off world? Do we not recognize conflicts of interest in this show? Why did Daniel decide to decorate with an open flame? Would goa'uld stop trying to conquer the galaxy if they knew about board games? Why are the Asgard so obsessed with Jack O'Neill? It's finally revealed why the humans on other planets are so technologically behind!
Episode 47: The Song of Absent Fathers (Seth)
​Silvana and Tegan watch Season 3 Episode 2 "Seth". They go into a deep dive into Sam's character and (lack of) arc, discuss absent fathers in the episode and cults.
Episode 46: Hathor's Vision Board (Into The Fire)
Silvana and Tegan discuss Season 3, Episode 1, "Into the Fire". Which social media apps do you think would be the favorites of Stargate characters? Why does Michael Shanks only have four lines in this? Is Teal'c code switching? Why is Bae'tac always presumed dead or about to die? And what about that Tok'ra lady?!